STEP is no longer accepting applications for the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP or ERAP 2) due to funding for the program being completely expended. Other resources at STEP that you may qualify for include:
- Service Navigation: When you utilize STEP’s Service Navigation you will receive services tailored to meet you or your family’s needs. Our Service Navigation team can help you by providing Information and Referral to other STEP or community services, or benefit from case management to develop and work on goals to improve your self-sufficiency. You can apply for Service Navigation here.
- Supportive Housing Program: Lycoming County’s Supportive Housing Program is administered by STEP, Inc. and is a focused 18-month housing initiative to assist renters in danger of being evicted, homeowners in danger of foreclosure, and homeless county residents (sheltered or unsheltered) to secure a stable housing arrangement. All clients will work with STEP’s Service Navigation staff to identify and address issues that impede individuals and families from becoming self-sufficient. Please note, this program can only be used once in a lifetime. The SHP application can be found here.
- Utilities Assistance Program: STEP Utilities Assistance Program partners with PPL Electric Utilities and UGI Corporation’s subsidiaries, Penn Natural Gas and Central Penn Gas. Qualified customers are offered affordable utility payments through their Customer Assistance Programs (CAP). These programs offer a reduced monthly payment as coverage for utility service, cancel a portion of any debt owed to the company, and provide energy education and weatherization services. The Utilities Assistance program page is here.